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CareerGRIT is a program designed particularly for youth workers such as school counselors, career counselors, youth NGO workers, school master teachers.
CareerGRIT uses best-practices and co-design methodologies to develop a career management training program for youth workers in Romania and Poland. The final beneficiaries of CareerGRIT are adolescents and young people between the age of 16 and 25, including youth from disadvantaged groups, such as adolescents at risk of school-dropout and youth from families with a low socio-economic status.
The direct beneficiaries of CareerGRIT are 24 youth workers, including NGO workers, careers counselors, school counselors and high-school master teachers, who are working directly with adolescents and young people in Romania and Poland.

The impact of the project will be visible through the below-targeted results:
Developing the training and facilitation skills of 24 youth workers from Romania and Poland, working in the field of career counseling, including NGOs workers, school master teachers, school counselors, and career counselors;
Creating an end-to-end training program for youth workers, including open-source training materials, activities and facilitation guides, available in English, Romanian and Polish
Developing 2 best-practices catalogs describing exceptional programs on Career Guidance and Co-design methodologies with youth across EU and globally
Launching 1 best-practices guide for new organizations coordinating K2 Action: Small Scale Partnerships Programs, based on our own learnings from the 12-months implementation period
Get Ready!

Manual pentru facilitatorii CareerGRIT.

Poate fi accesat aici.

Aspire to Inspire

A brochure on career management.

Find it here.

RO: aici.

Co-design with youth

A catalog made to inspire you to involve young people in co-designing with you.

Find it here.
RO: aici.

Get Ready – Slide-uri etapa 3
Luarea Deciziilor – Materialul poate fi accesat aici.
Get Ready – Slide-uri etapa 4
Acționează – Materialul poate fi accesat aici.
Best practices

Here’s a series of best practices, as part of our wish to support other peer organizations undergoing similar experiences.

Find it here.

RO: aici.

CareerGRIT (2021-2-RO01-KA210-YOU-000051498

O punte între profesioniști cu experiență și tineri la început de drum.

Florina Lendeczki – 0743 070 102
Bianca Biosa – 0747 056 266